Tuesday, October 19, 2010


 Talk soft and mostly be quite,
 don't try to judge others, 
 that,"your wrong!!your right!!"

 Be calm and don't react,
 if you'll be able to do that,
 you'll become the upcoming fact!!

 Stop too much of chit-chat,
 you say you hate gossipers,
 then why are you getting like that!!

Be like an angel,
even if the devils surround you,
just think that you're amongst those few,
who bring out change in the surroundings,
for others, making it something new!!!!


  1. Wow....its Amazing.....
    btw...did u have me in your mind while writing this ? ;-) :-) !!!!

  2. hahahahaha!!nope!!it wasnt u it was me.....thinking of my behavioral change..wrote this one!!:-Plolz!!;-)
